The new method of locating fault section with pearson correlation |
Huang Chaoyi, Yang Zanfeng, Wu Rongfu, Lin Wengui, Shi Jun |
State Grid Quanzhou Power Supply Company, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000 |
Abstract The technology of single phase grounding fault location in distribution network is the key factor to improve the reliability of distribution network. This paper analyzes the traditional correlation method based on the principle of waveform comparison, and puts forward some limitations. Then, the practical improvement is carried out, the effects of correlation measurement; polarity comparison, amplitude difference and zero drift interference are considered. This method is simple in principle, clear and concise in fault analysis, and can be integrated into the existing distribution automation platform and has a good economy. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is verified by simulation.
Received: 04 January 2018
Published: 19 June 2018
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Huang Chaoyi,Yang Zanfeng,Wu Rongfu等. The new method of locating fault section with pearson correlation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(6): 56-60.
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