Technical program research on MMC-HVDC power module automatic test device |
Chen Jiandong1, Chen Tao1, Zhang Ban1, Lin Huan1, Liao Qiyan2 |
1. Shantou Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid, Shantou, Guangdong 515041; 2. Rongxin Huiko Electric Technology Co., Ltd, Anshan, Liaoning 114051 |
Abstract In MMC-HVDC systems, traditional test methods of power module are complex and time-consuming, for these questions, this article proposes an improved scheme based on automatic test and step by step test, and illustrats various test functions detailly. The relevant buttons and LED indicators are installed on the device and the corresponding test items are selected through the relevant buttons. The test data are processed by the software system, and the test results are shown directly by the LED indicator light, without external oscilloscope and manual analysis data, the scheme simplifies the power module testing process and improves the testing and maintenance efficiency.
Received: 03 April 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
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Chen Jiandong,Chen Tao,Zhang Ban等. Technical program research on MMC-HVDC power module automatic test device[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 114-118.
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