Cost-benefit analysis of distributed photovoltaic power generation for residential roofs |
Zhang Yimei, Liu Xinming |
Beijing Changping Electric Power Company, Beijing 102200 |
Abstract Our country has made great efforts to support the distributed photovoltaic power generation, but the subsidy is declining year by year. This paper analyzes the policy of distributed photovoltaic (DPV) from the perspective of social development and establishes the cost and benefit model of the consumer's electricity. The data of Beijing residents' hair consumption in 2017 is selected to calculate the return years of distributed PV investment. On this basis, the effects of the actual electricity consumption, the on-grid electric ratio, the investment cost and the subsidy on the rate of return on investment are analyzed. The costs of unit capacity photovoltaic components corresponding to different electric subsidies under the same return rate are calculated providing guidance and basis for residential users who have intention to invest in distributed photovoltaic.
Received: 14 May 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
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Zhang Yimei,Liu Xinming. Cost-benefit analysis of distributed photovoltaic power generation for residential roofs[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2018, 19(8): 35-38.
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