Design for grid-connected micro-grid based on dual protection |
Zhang Guangru1, Li Shaoyu2, Yang Jun1, Wei Bo1, Zhu Hongyi1 |
1. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institution, Lanzhou 730070; 2. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company, Lanzhou 730030 |
Abstract To improve the security and reliability of distributed power and micro-grid in the operating off-grid to on-grid, this paper proposes a design scheme for micro-grid accessing to distribution-grid based on dual protection. This paper deeply analyses the operating off-grid to on-grid for grid-connected micro-grid, and gives the implementation strategy for the design scheme. The propose design scheme improves the reliability of the grid-connected micro-grid. On the other hand, it solves the synchronous conversion problem for micro-grid from off-grid to on-grid.
Received: 31 January 2018
Published: 31 August 2018
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