Research on the application of artificial intelligence in operation maintenance of distribution system |
An Lingxu, Tang Qijun, Li Zhongcheng, Wang Nan, Liu Tao |
Tianjin Electric Power Corporation, Tianjin 300010 |
Abstract This paper analyzes four pieces of the main business lines of distribution system, including information management, equipment inspection, equipment maintenance and rush repair, and it puts forward the overall idea of intelligent operation and maintenance of distribution network, and it designs four specific schemes consisting of the whole life cycle management, intelligent equipment inspection, active operation and maintenance and intelligent fault diagnosis of distribution system. This paper provides a new idea for realizing the intelligent distribution network.
Received: 06 November 2018
Published: 29 September 2019
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An Lingxu,Tang Qijun,Li Zhongcheng等. Research on the application of artificial intelligence in operation maintenance of distribution system[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 103-106.
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