Transfer matrix method verifies the torsional vibration characteristics of generator shafting |
Cheng Shengjie1, Li Juan1, Jiao Shaohua2 |
1. School of Automation, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192; 2. Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd, Beijing 100084 |
Abstract In recent years, safety accidents caused by the occurrence of torsional vibration of generator shafting have a major impact on the economy and safety. Therefore, this paper studies the intrinsic characteristics of the generator shafting system and its vibration mode. This paper mainly uses two methods to study the torsional vibration characteristics of generator shafting. The first one is to calculate and analyze the Riccati transfer matrix method to obtain the natural frequency and mode shape of the generator shaft system. The second is to use Ansys software to establish the 3D solid model of the generator shaft system, and then use the limit software to analyze the generator shaft system, obtain the torsional vibration characteristics of the generator shaft system, and the vibration patterns of the first few orders. Finally, the results of torsional vibration characteristics obtained by two different methods, the amount of calculation, and the occupancy of computer resources are compared.
Received: 21 March 2019
Published: 29 September 2019
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Cheng Shengjie,Li Juan,Jiao Shaohua. Transfer matrix method verifies the torsional vibration characteristics of generator shafting[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 19-24.
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