Research on configuration strategy for two-out-of-three logic of DC protection in Binjin and Lingshao ultra high voltage direct current projects |
Miao Yu, Jia Xuantao, Wang Yongsheng, Jia Hongguang, Wei Linlin |
Maintenance Company of State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310018 |
Abstract Based on the Binjin and Lingshao ultra high voltage direct current projects, research on two-out-of-three function configuration of HCM3000 and PCS9550 DC protections. Both of them are equipped with two-out-of-three devices and two-out-of-three logic in control host, two kinds of two-out-of-three function logic and protection action strategy are introduced in detail, PCS9550 DC protection system has strong security and reliability. When the two-out-of-three devices of HCM3000 fault, there is a problem that some protection functions of converter protection and pole protection can not be exported, the hidden dangers of equipment failure and DC blocking are deeply analyzed, and it can provide reference for practical application on site.
Received: 11 February 2019
Published: 29 September 2019
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Miao Yu,Jia Xuantao,Wang Yongsheng等. Research on configuration strategy for two-out-of-three logic of DC protection in Binjin and Lingshao ultra high voltage direct current projects[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(10): 92-98.
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