Design of embedded IEC 61850 intelligent protocol conversion gateway for distribution network |
Cao Jun |
CSG Science&Technology Co., Ltd, Hefei 230080 |
Abstract Aiming at the fact that the existing equipment in distribution network generally does not support IEC 61850, a conversion gateway supporting IEC 61850 is designed. The hardware adopts Freescale I.mx287 microprocessor, and the software is based on embedded Linux system platform and SISCO’s MMS-EASE Lite software library. It supports multiple different communication ports and synchronous access of different devices, and adopts file mode for protocol messages. Flexible configuration according to different equipment specifications, complete IEC 60870-5, Modbus and other series of protocol conversion. Through the client software, the protocol conversion test of the equipment of the distribution network is realized, and the IEC 61850 model is obtained.
Received: 01 April 2019
Published: 19 November 2019
Cite this article: |
Cao Jun. Design of embedded IEC 61850 intelligent protocol conversion gateway for distribution network[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(11): 62-67.
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