Development of electrified replacement equipment for 500kV double-circuit transmission line insulators |
Li Hui, Peng Shasha, Xu Li, Zhen Zhaohui, Xiang Yun |
State Grid Hu'nan Electric Power Company, Changsha 410100 |
Abstract With the operation of 500kV AC compact lines, the researches on the partial outage maintenance mode of live operation, the mechanical device replacing the operator to enter the electric field at the critical distance to carry out live operation mode research and the related standard formulation of live operation are limited. In this paper, the vertical load and horizontal tension of overhead conductors are calculated and analyzed, and a set of tool for replacing insulators of 500kV double-circuit transmission lines on the same tower is designed. Through checking and analyzing each part of mechanics, it is proved that the design scheme is safe and reliable, and can meet the requirements of operation. Finally, the tool is applied in the field, which proves the practicability of the tool and effectively improves the operation efficiency.
Received: 19 September 2018
Published: 17 June 2019
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Li Hui,Peng Shasha,Xu Li等. Development of electrified replacement equipment for 500kV double-circuit transmission line insulators[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(6): 37-43.
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