Simulation study of household off-grid solar controller based on constant voltage/maximum power point tracking |
Chen Hao, Zhang Dairun |
College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 |
Abstract With the development of off-grid photovoltaic technology, solar controller has been widely used. In this paper, an off-grid solar controller working in constant voltage mode and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) mode is designed. Aiming at the oscillation problem of the traditional conductance increment method and the slow tracking speed of the PID control algorithm, an improved MPPT control algorithm based on the traditional conductance increment method is proposed. Secondly, a variable structure sliding mode controller based on Buck circuit is designed to stabilize the output voltage of solar controller. Finally, on the platform of Matlab/Simulink modeling and simulation, the two working modes of constant voltage/MPPT are simulated, which verifies that the solar energy controller can track the maximum power point quickly and accurately when the solar irradiance changes dramatically, and solves the oscillation problem of the traditional conductance increment method. In addition, it verifies that the output voltage of the solar controller is constant when the solar irradiance and load change respectively.
Received: 04 January 2019
Published: 12 September 2019
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Chen Hao,Zhang Dairun. Simulation study of household off-grid solar controller based on constant voltage/maximum power point tracking[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2019, 20(9): 14-19.
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