Inductive overvoltage calculation and simulation of structure based on wave equation solution |
Qiu Yucheng, Li Donghui |
Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, Liaoning 116028 |
Abstract In order to study the development law of lightning induced overvoltage on transmission lines, based on the theory of lightning electromagnetic field, the second-order Taylor series is used to expand the expression of the lightning current double exponential function, and the correction factor is introduced to offset the error of the latter items when the expansion is performed. You can get an expanded double exponential expression and verify the uncompressed and unexpanded waveforms by simulation. Using this expression, the differential expression of the vertical electric field of the lightning is derived by the dipole method, and the analytical solution of the integrated vertical electric field of the lightning is obtained. Combined with the field-line coupling equation of the transmission line, the Dalangbel formula is used to solve the wave equation after the deformation of the coupled equation, and the scattered field voltage on the line is solved, and then the induced overvoltage is obtained, and the appropriate parameter values are selected through simulation to verify the correctness.
Received: 25 May 2019
Published: 18 January 2020
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Qiu Yucheng,Li Donghui. Inductive overvoltage calculation and simulation of structure based on wave equation solution[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 31-36.
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