Research on power supply for type test of voltage source converter based high voltage direct current transmission converter |
Xiong Yinwu1, Zhong Kunyu1, Wang Lin1, Ji Kuijiang1, Wang Guoqiang2 |
1. Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd, Tianshengqiao Bureau of EHV Transmission Company, Xingyi, Guizhou 562400; 2. Rongxin Huiko Electric Technology Co., Ltd, Anshan, Liaoning 114051 |
Abstract Research on the type test of power supply for voltage source converter based high voltage direct current transmission (VSC-HVDC) converter valve. According to the possible operation voltage of power module in VSC-HVDC engineering, the harmonic characteristics of the three topologies of power supply for converter valve section running test are analyzed by simulation. The simulation results show that the topology of 12-pulse thyristor rectifier bridge mainly contains 11th harmonics. Small filter capacity is required, and there is no need to configure the filter separately. The overall cost performance is satisfactory, and it is suitable for power supply of the valve type test.
Received: 01 July 2019
Published: 18 January 2020
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Xiong Yinwu,Zhong Kunyu,Wang Lin等. Research on power supply for type test of voltage source converter based high voltage direct current transmission converter[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(1): 37-40.
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