Tracking analysis and on-site processing of a typical transformer iron core multi-point grounding fault |
Fu Wenguang, Liu Zhilin |
Inner Mongolia Electric Power Research Institute, Hohhot 010020 |
Abstract The multi-point grounding fault of the core of the converter endangers the safe and the stable operation of the transformer,Handled properly economic and social benefits significantly. In this paper, the discovery、location、temporary limit of multi-point grounding current and Grounding fault elimination of iron core multi-point grounding caused by the short connection of iron core and clamp of a 220kV transformer are discussed and analyzed. A complete and feasible solution for this kind of fault is put forward and successfully practiced.
Received: 24 February 2020
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Fu Wenguang,Liu Zhilin. Tracking analysis and on-site processing of a typical transformer iron core multi-point grounding fault[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(10): 114-116.
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