Development and test of pulse generator for measuring electrical parameters of distribution cables |
Zhang Long1, Huang Ting2 |
1. State Grid Xi'an Power Supply Company, Xi'an 710032; 2. Shaanxi Power Transmission and Transfer Engineering Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710014; |
Abstract The low voltage pulse generator is an important unit in the damped AC (DAC) voltage test system to test the basic electrical characteristics of cables. Its performance has an important impact on the correct evaluation and precise location of partial discharge. Based on the control of MCU and the MOSFET with fast interruption characteristics, a pulse generator for measuring transmission constant and calibrating partial discharge of distribution cables is developed and tested. The results show that the generated pulse meets the requirements of steep rising edge and flexible adjustment of pulse width and amplitude. The measured electrical characteristic parameters of cables are comparative accurate.
Received: 25 September 2019
Published: 20 March 2020
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Zhang Long,Huang Ting. Development and test of pulse generator for measuring electrical parameters of distribution cables[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(3): 84-90.
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