Application research of electroplated zinc-nickel alloy on gas insulated switchgear outdoor products |
Xu Xi, Wang Nan, Deng Leping |
Xi’an XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd, Xi’an 710077 |
Abstract Outdoor gas insulated switchgear (GIS) need to have good corrosion resistance depending on the environment in which they are used. In this paper, the anticorrosion condition of ferrous metal parts of outdoor GIS is sorted out, and the original process alternative research is carried out on the focal position of corrosion. Through the comparison and analysis with neutral salt spray test, the electroplated zinc-nickel alloy process with neutral salt spray test for more than 1000h is preferred, and the simulation of actual working conditions is further carried out. The salt spray test of the electroplated zinc-nickel alloy layer after mechanical wear and preset plating defects also exceeded 1000h. It shows that in actual production, electroplated zinc-nickel alloy can meet the anti-corrosion requirements of many complicated environments. By tracking the outdoor GIS using the electroplated zinc-nickel alloy process for 2 years, the actual effect of the electroplated zinc-nickel alloy process was confirmed.
Received: 12 November 2019
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Xu Xi,Wang Nan,Deng Leping. Application research of electroplated zinc-nickel alloy on gas insulated switchgear outdoor products[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(5): 77-80.
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