Analysis of Markov model and maintenance strategy for single interval in substation |
Luo Lin, Zhang Fei |
State Grid Zhoushan Power Supply Company, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316000 |
Abstract Scientifically evaluating the reliability of power grid equipment, arranging its maintenance and economizing the maintenance cost of equipment in power grid company is one of the most significant issue in reliability evaluation. This paper establishes a 6-state Markov model with the minimum interval of substation as a unit, and analyses the relationship between the unavailability rate and the maintenance intervals, and the unavailability rate under different equipment types by using the 10-year deficiencies and account data of a regional power grid. The conclusion is drawn: the unavailability rate will first decrease and then increase with the increase of the maintenance intervals, and the optimal maintenance intervals is under the minimal unavailability rate. At the same time, based on the analysis of the unavailability rate and failure rate under different equipment types, the failure causes or manufacturers under different equipment types can be found, which provides theoretical support for technical personnel to analyze the family defects of equipment.
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Luo Lin,Zhang Fei. Analysis of Markov model and maintenance strategy for single interval in substation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(5): 81-83.
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