Research on improving scheme of two-shot auto-reclosing used on 500kV transmission lines basing on the six-unified standards |
Liu Kui1, Du Juan2, Lu Jinfeng1, Dai Guangwu1, Yang Huimin2 |
1. NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102; 2. North China Grid Co., Ltd, Beijing 100053 |
Abstract The power grid stability can be improved by the using of two-shot auto-reclosing on EHV transmission lines. At present in North China power grid, protection devices with two-shot auto-reclosing function have been used on some 500kV transmission lines, but some obstacles remain in the popularization and application of this kind of devices. In order to promote the using of two-shot auto-reclosing in the state grid of China, this paper analyzes the adaptability of the current two-shot au-to-reclosing scheme used on 500kV transmission lines in North China power grid under the six-unified standards of State Grid, and puts forward the existing problems and solutions. On this basis, two-shot auto-reclosing scheme of 500kV transmission lines based on the six-unified standards logics are proposed, as well as the logic design of device.
Received: 27 December 2019
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Liu Kui,Du Juan,Lu Jinfeng等. Research on improving scheme of two-shot auto-reclosing used on 500kV transmission lines basing on the six-unified standards[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(6): 111-115.
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