Design and management system of three-dimensional model base for secondary system of substation based on three-dimensional engine |
Zhou Erbiao1, Li Zhongzheng1, Zhao Jun1, Li Qing1, Zhu Ruyi2 |
1. State Grid Xinjiang Economic Research Institute, Urumqi 830002; 2. Five-c Smart Power Grid Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106 |
Abstract In view of the lack of the key technology of the three-dimensional modeling of the secondary system in the current power transmission and transformation project, a wide range of secondary objects in the substation are investigated, facing different voltage levels and different types of equipment, in-depth research is carried out in the scope and depth of modeling and the attributes of the model. A model base design software is developed by using Unity3D 3D engine and 3DMax modeling to build the 3D basic model base of secondary object; the basic model base of secondary system is built by graphical method to form the combined model base of secondary object; it supports model upload, download, index and version management. Through the study of the design and management system of the secondary object model base, the integrity of the model base of the power transmission and transformation project is ensured, the goal of the standardization and sharing of the model base is realized, and the three-dimensional engineering level of the secondary system is achieved.
Received: 13 January 2020
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Zhou Erbiao,Li Zhongzheng,Zhao Jun等. Design and management system of three-dimensional model base for secondary system of substation based on three-dimensional engine[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2020, 21(8): 58-65.
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