A calculation method for three-dimensional electric fields of parallel and crossed DC simulation test line sections |
YANG Yong1, XIE Li2 |
1. He’nan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001;; 2. China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192 |
Abstract In order to verify the validity of theoretical research results of the electric fields around parallel and crossed HVDC transmission lines, DC simulation test line sections are usually used to perform the test experiment. Then, when the height of test line sections has been set, the effect of the length of test line sections on the electric fields needs to be studied to provide the reference for the geometric structure parameter design of test line sections. The analytical expressions of potential and electric field produced by the line section charge are proposed in this paper, and they are applied in the optimized analog charge method to resolve three-dimensional electric fields around parallel and crossed DC simulation test line sections. Through calculation and analysis, the following results are obtained. The method proposed in this paper can be used to calculate the electric fields around parallel and crossed HVDC transmission lines. The distribution law of electric field obtained in this paper can provide the technical support for further predicting the ion current electric field generated by the corona discharge occurring around the conductors of parallel and crossed HVDC transmission lines.
Received: 16 June 2020
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YANG Yong,XIE Li. A calculation method for three-dimensional electric fields of parallel and crossed DC simulation test line sections[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(1): 14-18.
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