A control method for grid voltage fault of high voltage inverter and its application in long distance gas pipeline |
YUAN Xianzhong, JI Min, ZHUO Lin, TAN Baoluo |
Sichuan to Eastern China Gas Transmission Pipeline Co., Ltd, Pipe China Group, Wuhan 430000 |
Abstract In this paper, a control method is proposed for high voltage inverter with cascaded cell topology to deal with short-time drop or even interruption of grid voltage. The control method can avoid the output over-current and power cell under-voltage faults when grid voltage drops or even interrupts for a short time, and can automatically recover to the normal state when grid voltage recovers. Finally, the application of the control method in the compressor station of long distance gas pipeline is introduced.
Received: 18 May 2021
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YUAN Xianzhong,JI Min,ZHUO Lin等. A control method for grid voltage fault of high voltage inverter and its application in long distance gas pipeline[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(11): 84-87.
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