Simulation analysis of rectangle-wire motor with different conductor layers and its vehicle performance |
MA Yongzhi, YANG Lianghui |
Beijing New Energy Automotive Technology Innovation Center Co., Ltd, Beijing 100176 |
Abstract Because of its high efficiency, good heat dissipation and NVH(noise, vibration, harshness), rectangle-wire motor has become the development trend of new energy vehicle drive motor. With the development of high-speed drive motor, the eddy current loss of rectangle-wire motor windings is particularly remarkable, which affects the efficiency of the motor and brings the problem of heat dissipation. The winding loss of motor with 4-layer winding and 8-layer winding are analyzed by 2D simulation, and the motor efficiency contours of two winding schemes are simulated and compared. Then the two whole vehicle simulation models are built based on Cruise software according to two motor schemes. The economy of the whole vehicle is analyzed and calculated, which is the range of the vehicle based on the standard working condition. Finally, through analysis and comparison, it is found that the vehicle with 8-layer winding motor has a slightly greater driving range. The process of 8-layer winding motor is much more difficult, and the high-speed winding loss of the 4-layer winding is too large and the temperature rise exceeds the limit, so the 8-layer winding motor scheme is chosen.
Received: 13 November 2020
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MA Yongzhi,YANG Lianghui. Simulation analysis of rectangle-wire motor with different conductor layers and its vehicle performance[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(7): 26-31.
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