Research on online motion scanning technology of printed circuit board laser carving 2D code for power control equipment |
PENG Xuejun, WANG Gaolei, BAO Junyun |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing, 211100 |
Abstract In recent years, with the improvement of laser technology, the power control equipment manufacturing industry has actively introduced printed circuit board (PCB) laser carving 2D code technology to save costs and improve the stability of data traceability. Through the integration of software and hardware of high-precision visual equipment, the real-time online motion scanning of laser carving 2D code information is realized, which ensures that the one-time code reading rate of PCB information reaches more than 99.9%, improves the level of intelligent manufacturing and data acquisition ability, and promotes the wide application of new technology in the power manufacturing industry.
Received: 18 December 2020
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PENG Xuejun,WANG Gaolei,BAO Junyun. Research on online motion scanning technology of printed circuit board laser carving 2D code for power control equipment[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(8): 99-103.
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