Design and implementation of wearable gait analysis system based on inertial sensor |
LI Jianghui1,2, LIAN Chunkuai2, LI Yurong2 |
1. Ocean School of Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350003; 2. Fujian Key Lab of Medical Institute and Pharmaceutical Technology, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108 |
Abstract Gait analysis is an important method for the quantitative evaluation of lower limb movement. This paper uses the gait space-time parameter estimation algorithm based on inertial sensor. Firstly, the gait event point is detected according to the inertial sensor worn on the calf. Then the step length is calculated by the double integration of the acceleration signal of the inertial sensor worn on the heel, and the acceleration signal is calibrated according to the gait phase to improve the estimation accuracy of step length. The gait acquisition node based on inertial signals is designed and implemented in this paper. The hardware and software design are completed. To verify the reliability and accuracy of the system, three volunteers are recruited for the experiment. Compared with the results of the locometrix device, which is a kind of commercial gait analyzer, the average relative error of step length, speed and step frequency are 5.21%, 4.51% and 11.87% respectively. The results show that the developed gait analysis system can accurately estimate the gait space-time parameters.
Received: 25 January 2021
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LI Jianghui,LIAN Chunkuai,LI Yurong. Design and implementation of wearable gait analysis system based on inertial sensor[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(9): 14-21.
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