Medium and long-term power load forecasting based on BP neural network improved by genetic simulated annealing algorithm |
XU Yang, ZHANG Zitao |
College of Energy and Electric Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100 |
Abstract Aiming at the problems of over-fitting, low accuracy and low efficiency in current medium and long-term load forecasting methods, a novel model, which is based on improved BP neural network (BP-GSA), is proposed. Firstly, a standard three-layer neural network including the input layer, the hidden layer and the output layer is established. The paper selects GDP, secondary industry GDP, urban resident population, monthly average temperature as input variables, and monthly load as the output variable. Secondly, the genetic simulated annealing algorithm is used to continuously modify the network node connection weights until the optimal network node connection weight distribution is achieved according to the optimal fitness standard. Finally, with the optimal solution of weights substituted, the paper obtains the model that has the minimum mean square error through the training of the data. The calculation example compares the BP-GSA model proposed in the paper with the other four types of traditional methods by predicting one city's monthly load in 2020. The error analysis shows that the BP-GSA provides the best prediction. Then the model is applied to other different years. The error remains stable, which verifies the robustness of the algorithm.
Received: 11 March 2021
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XU Yang,ZHANG Zitao. Medium and long-term power load forecasting based on BP neural network improved by genetic simulated annealing algorithm[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2021, 22(9): 70-76.
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