Analysis of microgrid dynamic performance based on droop control algorithm with signal compensation |
LI Haochen, GUO Zhijian |
Electrical Engineering and Automation Department, Shanxi Institute of Technology, Yangquan, Shanxi 045000 |
Abstract In the parallel operation of microgrid inverters, traditional droop control presents the problems of non-equal distribution of reactive power and degradation of power quality. In terms of the issues, a droop control with signal compensation is designed. In order to achieve reactive power sharing and power quality recovery, the reactive power sharing difference signals and voltage and frequency compensation signals are added to traditional droop control respectively. For the aim of analyzing dynamic performance, the small signal model is carried out by linearization. Finally, the parallel model of inverters is simulated and verified. The result shows that the algorithm can realize power sharing while taking into account power quality, and has good performance in redundancy.
Received: 13 April 2022
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LI Haochen,GUO Zhijian. Analysis of microgrid dynamic performance based on droop control algorithm with signal compensation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(10): 33-40.
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