Research on corrosion and renovation of strain clamps in overhead transmission lines |
YAO Guijiao, CHEN Zuoxin, LU Guilai, LI Chengtao |
Nanjing Electric Power Fittings Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211599 |
Abstract Most conductors in overhead transmission lines are exposed to the atmosphere and some tension clamps are uplifted, then the rainwater medium containing corrosive elements enters the aluminum tube cavity of the strain clamps through the gaps between the conductor strands. Due to the tight crimping of the aluminum tube at the anchor end, the corrosive medium is difficult to discharge. It accumulates inside the hollow aluminum tube for a long time then forms a corrosive environment where the steel anchor and steel core corrodes and eventually leads to a conductor breakage accident. The newly designed double-grease-hole strain clamp adds grease-injection holes and vent holes in the aluminum tube cavity, which is easy for grease-injection operations and easier to fill up with grease. Furthermore, the strain clamp adopts a double-plate type guide plate, which can increase the over-current area and reduce the resistance so that its electrical performance is better than that of single-plate type. In conclusion, the newly designed double-grease-hole strain clamp is safer, more stable and more reliable in performance.
Received: 09 September 2022
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YAO Guijiao,CHEN Zuoxin,LU Guilai等. Research on corrosion and renovation of strain clamps in overhead transmission lines[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(12): 100-103.
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