Intelligent collaborative hierarchical control of large-scale microgrid based on virtual leader uniformity |
GONG Jingying1, DING Xiying1, BI Mingtao2 |
1. Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870; 2. Liaoning Qingyuan Pumped Storage Co., Ltd, Fushun, Liaoning 113300 |
Abstract In order to solve the problem that the layout of microgrid is too decentralized to conduct centrally coordinate control, and the bus voltage is seriously vulnerable during operation, the inverter controller of each micro source is used as an agent to build a multi-agent system of microgrid, where the intelligent cooperative hierarchical control structure of microgrid is constructed with the power quality index as the consistency goal. Droop control is used in the bottom layer to control the voltage deviation caused by the uneven power distribution leading by the load change. The upper layer takes the inverter output voltage as the consistency goal, dynamically optimizes the voltage setting value of each micro source, and greatly reduces the voltage deviation of multiple micro sources. Aiming at the problem of voltage fluctuation and distortion in weak current grid, the grid voltage deviation is taken as the consistency target, where the error iterative consistency tracking control based on virtual leader is adopted, and the micro source continuously tracks the voltage reference value to reduce the voltage fluctuation. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is verified by Matlab/Simulink simulation platform.
Received: 09 October 2021
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GONG Jingying,DING Xiying,BI Mingtao. Intelligent collaborative hierarchical control of large-scale microgrid based on virtual leader uniformity[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(4): 42-47.
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