Research on operating characteristics of photovoltaic and battery microgrid with pulsed load |
CUI Haoran, WANG Jinquan, HUANG Kefeng, YAO Weibo, ZHOU Meiquan |
College of Defense Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA, Nanjing 210007 |
Abstract The transient characteristics of the pulse load have an adverse effect on the stable operation of the photovoltaic and battery microgrid. In order to analyze the operation law of the photovoltaic and battery microgrid with pulsed load, explore methods to improve the power quality of the photovoltaic and battery microgrid, this paper conducts simulation modeling and experimental testing on the photovoltaic and battery microgrid with pulsed load, analyzes the impact of pulse load peak power PL, pulse period T and duty cycle D on the power quality of the AC-DC bus of the photovoltaic and battery microgrid, and explores the influence of light intensity change on the stable operation of the photovoltaic and battery microgrid with pulsed load. It provides an important basis for the application design of the photovoltaic and battery microgrid with pulsed load.
Received: 17 January 2022
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CUI Haoran,WANG Jinquan,HUANG Kefeng等. Research on operating characteristics of photovoltaic and battery microgrid with pulsed load[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(6): 69-76.
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