Performance analysis of large capacity generator circuit breaker with cast aluminum housing under high temperature |
ZHANG Huijie1, HUANG Xiaofeng2, TANG Cheng1, HE Chenguang1, XU Hao2 |
1. Xi'an XD Switchgear Electric Co., Ltd, Xi'an 710077; 2. China Southern Power Grid Peak Regulation and Frequency Regulation Power Generation Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510000 |
Abstract The large-capacity generator circuit breaker is in a high temperature environment for a long time in actual operation. It is necessary to analyze the performance of the generator circuit breaker cast aluminum housing under high temperature. The temperatures of the cast aluminum housing and the SF6 gas inside are measured by the temperature sensor, and it is concluded that the temperature of the housing and the temperature of the SF6 gas inside the housing tend to be balanced and consistent after a long-term flow. The maximum temperature of the SF6 gas inside the shell is determined by the maximum working temperature of the shell, and then the maximum working pressure of the casting shell is determined according to the curve relationship between the temperature of the SF6 gas and the gas pressure. At the same time, the mechanical property parameters of the single-casting test bars which are the same grade as the casting shell are measured under different temperature conditions, and finally the mechanical strength of the casting shell is simulated according to the latest criterion.
Received: 20 April 2022
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ZHANG Huijie,HUANG Xiaofeng,TANG Cheng等. Performance analysis of large capacity generator circuit breaker with cast aluminum housing under high temperature[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 23(9): 35-39.
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