Application of epoxy resin casting closed busbar in nuclear power industry |
FENG Yuhui, GAO Chao |
China Nuclear Power Operations Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518124 |
Abstract Epoxy resin casting closed busbar has good electrical, mechanical and heat dissipation performance, which can not only effectively solve the problem of condensation insulation decline of metal common box closed busbar equipment on the low-voltage side of nuclear power plant transformers, but also effectively solve the problem of capacitor current overrun caused by long-distance medium-voltage cable transmission and distribution. Combined with the cases of insulation degradation or failure of cast-closed busbars during the operation of nuclear power plants in recent years, the methods of finding the insulation defects of cast-closed busbars on site are summarized, and the weak points of cast-closed busbar insulation and technical improvement measures are also introduced.
Received: 08 June 2022
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