Broadband residual current sensitive detection and protection based on DC charging station application |
GAO Ping, XU Liling |
Zhejiang Tengen Electric Co., Ltd, Yueqing, Zhejiang 314000 |
Abstract If traditional AC-type or A-type residual current protectors are used for DC charging stations, DC bias may cause the protector to refuse to operate, thereby affecting the safety of DC charging stations. This article proposes a frequency division detection magnetic flux gate current transformer technology, which realizes the detection of 600Hz low-frequency signals and 600Hz-20kHz signals. The effective value calculated is compared with the residual current protection reference value to optput the protection action control logic. The prototype transformer and its application test meet the relevant provisions of the GB/T 22794—2017 standard, and meet the application requirements of residual current protection for electric vehicle charging stations. The proposed method for the residual current of DC charging stations is practical and feasible.
Received: 20 September 2023
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GAO Ping,XU Liling. Broadband residual current sensitive detection and protection based on DC charging station application[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(12): 53-58.
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