Application analysis of high voltage shunt reactor inter-turn protection based on time-domain translation |
SUN Yuwen |
Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract The inter-turn protection is the main protection of high voltage shunt reactor, which is of great significance to the stable operation of power system. The traditional inter-turn protection based on the principle of zero sequence component has been misoperated for many times on site. Based on the analysis of the structure and electrical characteristics of high-voltage shunt reactor, this paper defines the cause of traditional inter-turn protection malfunction, and proposes a new method of high voltage shunt reactor inter-turn protection, which is composed of core saturation criterion and time-domain translation fault criterion. The experimental and operation results show that no matter whether the iron core of high voltage shunt reactor is saturated or not, this scheme can ensure that it can not only act reliably when there is no fault airdrop, but also can act sensitively and reliably, so as to solve the problem of misoperation of traditional inter-turn protection due to iron core saturation.
Received: 16 August 2023
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SUN Yuwen. Application analysis of high voltage shunt reactor inter-turn protection based on time-domain translation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(12): 75-79.
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