Battery group management and maintenance system based on intelligent internet of things |
LI Weijie |
Beijing Guodian Guangyu Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd, Beijing 100068 |
Abstract By analyzing the shortcomings of conventional battery management system and studying the widely integrated application of the electric internet of things, a new generation of battery management system solution based on the intelligent internet of things is proposed in this paper, and a complete set of battery group management and maintenance system from intelligent edge management at the plant terminal to global management and maintenance at the central station is developed. The system takes into account the in-depth integrity of the station end detection, as well as the comprehensiveness of the area under its jurisdiction. After nearly a year of stable operation, it has achieved good social and economic benefits. Compared with conventional maintenance methods, the cost of a single station is reduced by nearly 200 000 yuan. It is of practical significance for the construction and development of intelligent and information-based battery management system (BMS).
Received: 09 October 2022
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