Analysis and improvement measures of static var generator-active power filter fault exit event in Fujian-Guangdong interconnection project |
CHEN Mingquan1,2 |
1. Fujian Zhongshisuo Electric Power Testing & Commissiong Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350007; 2. State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute, Fuzhou 350007 |
Abstract The Fujian-Guangdong back-to-back HVDC transmission project is a landmark project for the interconnection of the state grid and the southern power grid. The static var generator (SVG)-active power filter (APF) in the project is still the first application in domestic conventional HVDC projects. Based on an SVG-APF fault exit event during the initial operation of Fujian-Guangdong interconnection project, this paper analyzes the phenomenon and causes of the event in detail, and puts forward optimization schemes for the parameters of SVG-APF incoming and outgoing transient state control strategy and SVG-APF transient state control process strategy. Special tests are carried out during the live heavy load commissioning of the project, and the test results verify the feasibility of the optimization schemes.
Received: 05 December 2022
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CHEN Mingquan. Analysis and improvement measures of static var generator-active power filter fault exit event in Fujian-Guangdong interconnection project[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(2): 82-88.
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