Design of partial discharge detection sensor for power cable based on COMSOL simulation |
ZHANG Zequan, CAI Xinjing |
School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870 |
Abstract With the rapid development of economy, the social power consumption is increasing, and the requirements for reliability of electrical equipment in the power grid are becoming higher and higher. The intermediate joint of power cable is the place with high incidence of accidents. It is very important to study partial discharge characteristics of power cable and gain insight into the development process of intermediate joint partial discharge in advance. In order to investigate the propagation laws of electromagnetic wave, the physical model of power cable intermediate joint is established. The original waveform of partial discharge is simulated, the propagation characteristics of electromagnetic wave are analyzed by finite integral method, and the propagation laws of electric field signal and magnetic field signal are obtained when partial discharge occurs. The propagation characteristics of electromagnetic wave can provide a theoretical basis for the sensor installation position. A La Roche coil sensor is designed and installed inside the metal shield layer. By comparing the current signal obtained by the sensor and the original local discharge current signal, the structure size of the sensor is further optimized.
Received: 06 February 2023
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ZHANG Zequan,CAI Xinjing. Design of partial discharge detection sensor for power cable based on COMSOL simulation[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(4): 29-36.
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