Research progress on low voltage governance in rural distribution networks |
XIA Deqing1, XIANG Xingyu2, LI Kuanlong1, HUANG Huahong2, LI Zhaohui1 |
1. College of Railway Transportation, Hu’nan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, Hu’nan 412007; 2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hu’nan University of Technology, Zhuzhou, Hu’nan 412007 |
Abstract As the main component of the power supply system, the distribution network is closely related to the production and life of the general public. At present, there is a widespread problem of low voltage in rural distribution networks, with a rapid increase in electricity consumption at the user end, leading to a decrease in power quality and affecting the normal living standards of users. How to reasonably plan the distribution network low voltage problem and essentially avoid the recurrence of voltage quality problem becomes an important research content nowadays. This paper introduces the causes of low voltage and the ways to solve low voltage problems through the study of recent related literature. The causes of low voltage are mainly analyzed from the following aspects: long line supply radius, unreasonable reactive power compensation settings, low-voltage three-phase load imbalance, unreasonable power points, etc. Low voltage solutions are elaborated from two aspects, one is the technical aspect, and the other is the evaluation and decision-making technical aspect. Finally, effective countermeasures to manage low voltage are put forward.
Received: 17 April 2023
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XIA Deqing,XIANG Xingyu,LI Kuanlong等. Research progress on low voltage governance in rural distribution networks[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(6): 1-5.
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