Construction and application of digital twin model for smart relay protection |
LIU Ge, JI Ling, LIU Wenbiao |
Nanjing SAC Power Grid Automation Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211106 |
Abstract A digital twin modeling technology for relay protection is proposed and applied to explore the problems of low efficiency and inaccurate equipment operation fault diagnosis and positioning in the operation and maintenance business configuration of relay protection devices in current smart substation. This technology analyzes the requirements of relay protection operation and maintenance business, and constructs a digital twin model for relay protection operation and maintenance from three dimensions: operation and maintenance business, physical space, and information physical integration. It realizes self-discovery and self-description of relay protection business capabilities and graphical capabilities, and supports the rapid access and configuration of relay protection devices and equipment operation fault location functions of the relay protection operation and maintenance system. The efficiency of accessing and configuring relay protection operation and maintenance services is improved by more than 90%, and equipment fault localization can also be precise to the plug-in level.
Received: 01 June 2023
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LIU Ge,JI Ling,LIU Wenbiao. Construction and application of digital twin model for smart relay protection[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2023, 24(7): 83-88.
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