Study on the electric field distribution characteristics of a 220kV double-circuit transmission line on the same tower |
LI Shan1, ZHANG Yuan1, YANG Dingqian1, HU Siyu2, HOU Tianyu2 |
1. State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Research Institute, Urumqi 830013; 2. China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083 |
Abstract With the rapid development of high voltage AC transmission technology in China, high voltage AC grids have become the main framework of the national grid. The power frequency electric field of high voltage transmission lines inevitably affects human activities near the ground, making it necessary to calculate the electromagnetic fields generated by transmission lines. This paper takes a 220kV double-circuit transmission line on the same tower as the research object. Using COMSOL finite element simulation software, it simulates the electric field around the tower and conductors under the drum-shaped arrangement of the double-circuit line on the same tower. The study analyzes the effects of phase sequence configuration, tower structure, conductor thickness and splitting distance selection, and conductor height above the ground on the electric field distribution. The results show that reverse phase sequence arrangement can significantly reduce the ground electric field intensity, while conductor thickness has a smaller impact. Reasonable splitting distance helps control the electric field intensity, and the height of the transmission line above the ground is the most critical factor affecting the ground electric field. These findings provide reference for optimizing the electric field of 220kV transmission lines, facilitating the enhancement of environmental compatibility and safety of the system.
Received: 14 May 2024
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LI Shan,ZHANG Yuan,YANG Dingqian等. Study on the electric field distribution characteristics of a 220kV double-circuit transmission line on the same tower[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(10): 1-7.
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