Optimization of collector line topology and marine cable cross-section in offshore wind farms |
SHEN Dingfa, LIU Hong |
Shanghai Investigation and Design Research Institute Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200434 |
Abstract According to the wind speed distribution and the output characteristics of the wind turbine, the output probability density function of the wind turbine is derived. The three-state reliability model of marine cable is proposed, and the calculation method of expected energy not supplied of chain network and quasi-ring network is proposed. On this basis, the optimization model of collector system topology and cross-section of marine cable is established. Case analysis shows that the topology of the collector line is affected by the layout of wind turbines and booster stations, the unit price of marine cables, the electricity on-grid price and the discount rate of capital. For large offshore wind farms, the optimized collector line topology is generally a combination of chain structure and quasi-ring structure. The optimization method provided in this paper can provide reference for the optimization design of collection lines in large offshore wind farms.
Received: 13 May 2024
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SHEN Dingfa,LIU Hong. Optimization of collector line topology and marine cable cross-section in offshore wind farms[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(10): 21-29.
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