A coordinated power control scheme of an energy base based on photovoltaic, tower solar and energy storage |
SUN Haicui |
East China Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd, Shanghai 200063 |
Abstract The development and utilization of solar energy is an important way to promote the realization of carbon neutrality and emission peak. Based on the energy source consisting of photovoltaic power station, tower solar thermal power station and energy storage device, with the periodicity of solar energy, a control scheme for the coordinated collection and conversion of energy by photovoltaic, solar thermal and energy storage in different time periods to track and schedule load instructions, is proposed in this study. According to the characteristics of energy production and transmission, it is divided into the leading period of photovoltaic with storage energy and the leading period of solar thermal power generation. In the period of good solar resources, the power coordination control scheme based on the maximum power point control of photovoltaic power station is adopted, and the energy storage and solar thermal power station are coordinated. In the absence of solar resources, the control scheme of power regulation by solar thermal power station is adopted. It can effectively smooth the random fluctuation of photovoltaic power station and ensure the stability and reliability of power output of energy base power supply.
Received: 11 June 2024
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SUN Haicui. A coordinated power control scheme of an energy base based on photovoltaic, tower solar and energy storage[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(11): 22-29.
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