An integrated grid-connected-harmonic control method for inverters |
HUANG Chunguang1, LIU Jianchun1, WU Mingke2 |
1. Acrel Co.,Ltd, Shanghai 201801; 2. School of Automation Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090 |
Abstract Currently, with the rapid development of renewable energy, the power grid faces many new challenges. Harmonics, as an important indicator of power quality, are becoming increasingly severe with the growth of the proportion of renewable energy in the total power generation. Traditional active harmonic control methods often involve installing active power filters (APF). However, inverters, serving as a crucial interface between renewable energy generation and the power grid, also possess harmonic control capabilities. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel integrated method for inverter grid-connection and harmonic control, which allows for the switching and integration of grid-connection mode and harmonic control mode based on actual needs. Furthermore, the harmonic control strategy is optimized under capacity-constrained conditions. Finally, simulation analysis and verification are conducted using Matlab/Simulink software. Applying this method in practical engineering can effectively improve power quality and effectively reduce the cost of harmonic control.
Received: 02 July 2024
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HUANG Chunguang,LIU Jianchun,WU Mingke. An integrated grid-connected-harmonic control method for inverters[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(11): 30-36.
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