Study and practice on shaft voltage measurement and treatment of steam turbine generator |
QIAN Houjun1, HAN Liang1, JIANG Jun2, SHEN Weiling1, GUO Tongyue2 |
1. CNNC Nuclear Power Operation Management Co., Ltd, Haiyan, Zhejiang 314300; 2. CNNC Operation and Maintenance Technology Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 311200 |
Abstract The shaft voltage is an objective physical quantity of a generator in operation. Based on the study of standards, countermeasures and related literature, and combined with the site practice, this paper analyzes and interprets the shaft voltage measurement methods, judgment criteria and treatment measures, summarizes and emphasizes the importance of reliable grounding of the main shaft of turbine side and insulation resistance to ground of bearing seat of excitation side for the safe operation of generators.
Received: 03 July 2024
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QIAN Houjun,HAN Liang,JIANG Jun等. Study and practice on shaft voltage measurement and treatment of steam turbine generator[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(12): 61-66.
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