Measurement method of blade azimuth and hub speed based on accelerometers |
ZHANG Renhe, WANG Feng, SHANG Zhiqiang |
Sinovel Wind Group Co., Ltd, Beijing 100872 |
Abstract With the increase in wind power capacity, wind turbines require more intelligent and reliable control, thus posing new demands on pitch control systems. In this article, a new method for measuring blade azimuth and spindle speed is proposed, which obtains the three-dimensional acceleration components of three variable frequency drives by obtaining acceleration sensors embedded in the variable pitch variable frequency drive. Based on the acceleration component, the azimuth angle of the unit blades can be determined. In addition, based on the time series of blade azimuth angle, the speed of the main shaft of the unit is calculated.
Received: 14 December 2023
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ZHANG Renhe,WANG Feng,SHANG Zhiqiang. Measurement method of blade azimuth and hub speed based on accelerometers[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(5): 81-84.
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