Fault diagnosis method for airborne autotransformer rectifier units based on support vector machine |
CHEN Yizun, ZHU Ronggeng, DENG Hanying, ZHANG Xinyu |
Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300 |
Abstract Autotransformer rectifier units (ATRU) are key electrical components of aircraft power system. In order to shorten the operation and maintenance time of power supply equipment and improve the troubleshooting efficiency, this paper proposes a fault diagnosis method for airborne autotransformer rectifier units. The time domain and frequency domain characteristic parameters of different ATRU faults are extracted. Support vector machine is used for training to form an ATRU fault diagnosis system. This paper is based on the simulated electrical signals of key nodes of ATRU under different faults, extracts and analyzes the fault features of the signal waveform information, time domain information and frequency domain information, and uses the support vector machine to identify faults. The verification results show that the proposed method can identify ATRU faults quickly and accurately.
Received: 22 September 2023
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CHEN Yizun,ZHU Ronggeng,DENG Hanying等. Fault diagnosis method for airborne autotransformer rectifier units based on support vector machine[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2024, 25(8): 41-46.
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