A practical transformer protection fault location method based on hierarchical progressive architecture |
ZHANG Xiaoyu, CHENG Xiao, GU Qiaogen, MO Pinhao, ZHENG Chao |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract Compared to other primary equipments such as busbars, lines, and circuit breakers, transformers have a more complex structure and are the only equipment in the power system that connect different voltage levels. In addition, the influence of the Y/D transform makes the fault characteristics complex and variable, making it difficult to locate the fault point. The fault localization depends on the experience of the engineer. There is an urgent need for a complete automated fault location system. This article first classifies the possible situations that may cause transformer protection starting or tripping, and then sets fault localization criterion step by step. The criterion greatly enhances the automation level of transformer fault localization and has good engineering implementation value. The feasibility and accuracy of this method are proved through multiple sets of simulation waveforms.
Received: 02 August 2024
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ZHANG Xiaoyu,CHENG Xiao,GU Qiaogen等. A practical transformer protection fault location method based on hierarchical progressive architecture[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(1): 33-39.
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