Impact of zero sequence mutual inductance on distance protection and its adaptive compensation method |
ZHANG Hongxi, XU Xiaochun, XIE Hua, HUANG Tao, XU Haiyang |
NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211102 |
Abstract This article analyzes the characteristics of single phase grounding faults and cross line grounding faults in the same tower double circuit line, as well as the impact of zero sequence mutual inductance on grounding distance protection, in response to the misoperation fault of under range longitudinal distance protection during a cross line grounding fault on the same tower double circuit line. It is concluded that the additional impedance caused by zero sequence mutual inductance is the fundamental reason for the reduction of grounding distance protection range and the refusal of protection. In order to solve the problem, an adaptive zero sequence mutual inductance compensation method is proposed. The new method based on the adjacent zero sequence current injection and local auxiliary judgement can enable the compensation adaptively. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated based on the real time digital simulation system, and results show that this method is valid.
Received: 13 June 2024
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ZHANG Hongxi,XU Xiaochun,XIE Hua等. Impact of zero sequence mutual inductance on distance protection and its adaptive compensation method[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(1): 56-63.
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