Thermal-electric co-design of high density integrated transmitter and receiver components |
ZHU Xiaoyu, LI Wei, HU Mengjie |
China Electronic Equipment Research Institute, Nanjing 210007 |
Abstract In recent years, active phased array radar has imposed increasingly demanding requirements in aspects such as size, weight, and power density, presenting considerable challenges to the volume, power, and heat dissipation of the transmitter and receiver components. This paper proposes a thermal-electric co-design scheme for high density integrated transmitter and receiver components and designs a system in package with high efficiency heat dissipation, high output power, and high integration to achieve the transmitter and receiver front-end functions of the components which has been verified in the components.
Received: 06 August 2024
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ZHU Xiaoyu,LI Wei,HU Mengjie. Thermal-electric co-design of high density integrated transmitter and receiver components[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2025, 26(2): 75-80.
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