Research on Impact of Late-time HEMP to Stability of Power Grids |
Zhao Zhibin,Ke Junji,Ma Libin |
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206 |
Abstract In order to predict and analysis the risk that power systems suffer from late-time HEMP, in this thesis, this paper mainly studied on the impacts of late-time HEMP(HEMP E3 effect) on power grid stability. Based the induction current impact on grid components, equivalent models of components in power girds are established and equivalent voltage source of transmission lines can be obtained by the HEMP E3 effect standard waveforms, the induced currents level are estimated by calculating induced currents of late-time HEMP in the power grid,then analysis the impact of HEMP E3 effect Finally give a description of EHV circuit breakers, autotransformer and capacity to high GIC levels of stability of power systems.
Published: 28 September 2015
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