Accurate Calculation of Distribution of Power Frequency Electric Field for Crossing UHV Transmission Lines |
Song Fugen1, Lin Han2, Lan Sheng1 |
1. Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108; 2. Fujian Electrical Power Company Limited, Fuzhou 350003 |
Abstract In recent years, people’s requirement for electromagnetic protection is becoming more and more high. With the development of UHV (Ultra High Voltage), the problem of electromagnetic environment has become the main factors for the development of the power grid. The research of this paper focuses on the influence factors of electric field when UHV transmission lines have cross spanning. With the construction of UHV transmission project, AC E/UHV transmission lines inevitably appear cross spanning, the calculation method of power frequency electric field with two-dimensional has been unable to meet the requirements. This paper proposes 3-D electric field module of the ansoft software which is used to compute frequency electric field of cross area, and analyses the influence factors. The results show that power frequency electric field of cross area will be affected by the different phase difference. However, different phase sequence and different height of the UHV transmission lines will have significant influence on the power frequency electric field. In a word, On the premise of no increase of construction costs, it can obviously reduce electric field intensity by taking the reverse sequence arrangement.
Published: 13 January 2016
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Song Fugen,Lin Han,Lan Sheng. Accurate Calculation of Distribution of Power Frequency Electric Field for Crossing UHV Transmission Lines[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(1): 6-10.
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