The Multipolar Motor Rotor Position Detection System based on Rotating Transformer |
Xia Jiakuan, Jang Haochi, Yu Shuang |
School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870 |
Abstract Low-speed multipolar motor direct driving control, rotor magnetic pole position detection is an important link in motor control.While traditional rotating transformer is affected by the magnetic pole number smaller, unable to meet the requirement of rotor magnetic pole position detection of multipolar motor.So the purpose of this paper is to design a general rotary variable demodulation system system, can satisfy different pole motor rotor position detection requirements.Special chip at the same time will pass through the demodulation of the rotor position signal, the conversion circuit is needed to drive motor drive circuit signal.Experiments show that the circuit is simple, reliable, high precision and can meet the demands of multipolar motor rotor position detection.
Published: 13 January 2016
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Xia Jiakuan,Jang Haochi,Yu Shuang. The Multipolar Motor Rotor Position Detection System based on Rotating Transformer[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2016, 17(1): 11-15.
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